Projects, past & present

Station: HF + 6m + 2m & HF Station - (current)

The 'shack' went through a bit of a revival in 2010 with the purchase of an ICOM 746. While the Yaesu is a great transceiver, with use of DSP on more recent rigs, it could not really compete. The ICOM covers all the HF bands, 6m & 2m and is simple to interface with a PC for data modes.

The aerial system is very fundamental, erected in a very small garden and with neighbors views considered. A full size G5RV for HF (80-20m with 160m possible using aremote feeder switch). An SRC-X80 vertical for 17-10m & 6m and an X-50 vertical for 2m (also 70cm)..

What I really like about this rig is the ease in which it can be coupled to a computer system, with no real need for complex interfacing. This unleashes a myriad of options, from operating remotely (eg using HRD) together with BPSK31 (and other digital modes), slow-scan TV, CW decoding and transmission, WSPR ('whisper' - to test your antenna capability). While on holiday, I have had QSO's on 2m from South Wales and operated HF from southern in Spain (in this instance it was receive only).

The in-built ATU is quite effective - although I found it has it's limitations with un-tuned lengths, so I also have an ageing FC-707 manual ATU for any awkward antenna testing!

OK - so if you offered me a current rig for free - I'd bite your hand off - but it would have to have at least HF, 6m & 2m with on-board ATU, 100W - all modes, Digital interfacing etc etc!

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